Welcome to the DIY Strategic Planning Toolkit
The DIY Strategic Planning Toolkit is a set of resources to help you through the process of putting together your next strategic plan so that you end up with a living document that is geared to success based on the most up-to-date information, consultation and forward-thinking.
This Program consists of :
4 x interactive units
To guide you through the process of planning, gathering and filtering intel, setting goals and priorities and putting together a strategic plan with solid foundations.

A bonus timeframe checklist is also included in the package so that you can monitor your progress step-by-step
Where to start
The Strategic Plan process consists of five key stages:
- Mindset – a successful strategic planning process depends on the right mindset from the start. Everybody should be on the same page and the planning and execution of the process must be taken seriously.There is nothing more disquieting than a lot of effort put into the process and then the finished product is not implemented. This usually happens when people fail to place value on their creation. The first part of the process is to get clear on what you are doing and why. (Unit 1)
- Thinking big – going through the strategic planning process gives you permission to think BIG about where you want the organisation to be in – the final destination you are aspiring to.Don’t even consider the minutia at this point. It is about what you could achieve – the difference you make to the wor;d/the legacy you leave behind. Then consider how – again at the big picture level, Have faith – getting it to happen is what your 3-5 year plan is going to focus on – well as much as you can achieve in that timeframe! (Unit 2)
- Strategy starts here – if you’re going to change the World (or your part of it), it’s important to research and analyse trends – internal/external, community, competitors, big picture – anything that could impact on the organisation and what you want to achieve over the next few years (Unit 3).
- Starting with your powerful, emotive Vision – consider the inside and outside world and use what you’ve found out to plan your goals, strategies and priorities for the next 3-5 years. These should be achieveable yet also stretch the organisation beyond its comfort zone (change wil happen no matter what) (Unit 4).
- Finally – Bring this information together in a workable format that WILL be used by your governing body to inform business, marketing, human resource and other plans for the organisation. Monitor and evaluate at regular intervals to make sure you stay on trajectory (Unit 4).
In practice:
- START with the timeframe checklist and work out your milestones and dates.
- Work through the timeline, referring to the online units and the Workbook.
- As you go through each step, transfer your information to the Strategic Planning Template – and change to your desired format. Finish off by capturing your goals, strategies, Vision, Mission and Values on a one-page at a view poster.
Here is a suggested outline for developing your Strategic Plan:
When you’re ready to start, select Unit One from the Sections menu above